Understanding The Black Racer Snake: Appearance, Biology, Life Cycle, Habitat, Diet, Behavior

Charleston snake

About the Black Racer
Famous for being fast and harmless, the black racer is a common snake across the United States. You may have seen one in your backyard or zooming across a wooded area. Seeing them in human environments is common. Due to their presence around humans, they are at a greater risk of harm and death from cars and human intervention. They want to stay away from you so do the same for them, for their own sake.

As the name suggests, these snakes are black. Black to darker great, with darker splotches, you can distinguish these snakes from many others easily. On top of the dark body, they are not that large. Though they can grow up to 5 feet, they are usually just a few feet long.

Egg layers, the black racer will mate in spring and lay their eggs somewhere safe about a month later, leaving it to hatch when the time comes. Most often, these eggs go with other eggs. Black racers will pick areas they can trust are safe and lay them in the same spot, and other snakes may lay eggs there, too.

The black racer is a harmless snake that does not want to be around people. It is an incredibly non-aggressive snake, running away before biting every time. You would have to take extreme measures to get this snake to bite, making it feel threatened and unable to leave. As the name suggests, it is a fast snake. It will zoom by you and away from you in an instant. It stays away from humans and other predators as much as possible.

Black racers live all across the southern United States, as well as some other areas of the country. It will stick around in wooded areas, including those by humans. They may avoid humans, but they do thrive in areas near them. This is why they are commonly found in backyards and near human homes.

Rats, mice, frogs, and other common prey make up the diet of the black racer. They will eat practically anything that an average snake would. There is no reason to fear a black racer. In fact, it likely fears you even more. These snakes are fast and human-avoidant, though they do typically live near humans. Keep an eye out for them, as they are at risk around humans and do oftentimes die because of them.

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